Funded under the HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-09 topic of Horizon Europe, the project PRO-CLIMATE: Proactive community adaptation to climate change through social transformation and behavioural change aims to enable system transformation across social systems to support societies cope with climate change. To achieve this, PRO-CLIMATE will identify social tipping points and policy actions, develop strategies and interventions that promote social transformation, and develop a robust framework for designing effective methodologies and tools to foster proactively adaptive behaviours that facilitate transformative changes. Tero is the coordinator of the project and also works on research, dissemination, communication and exploitation activities.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project RAW4RES – Enhancing responsible mining policies and raw materials resilience in EU regions aims to address the need for improved policy support for raw materials resilience in European regions, while also promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible mining policies in a circular economy. Tero works on activities to valorise mining waste and to revitalise closed mines, as a subcontractor of the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project IPR-A addresses the objective of “encouraging Dual Careers of Athletes” by formulating and carrying out a training program for athletes during and after the end of their involvement in sports, focused on their training on a specific field of entrepreneurship skills, the Intellectual Property Rights Skills. Tero is coordinating the project and also works on dissemination and communication activities.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project Basketball-KTN is delivering a hybrid knowledge transfer network model to be used for the exchange of experiences and for the promotion of basketball engagement and development in periods of crisis. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of Evnikos Sport Club.
Funded under the of HORIZON-CL3-2022-SSRI-01-04 topic of Horizon Europe, the project CO-SECUR: Knowledge building and social innovation for a successful, more effective and CO-produce urban SECURity solutions, aims to build knowledge and a suite of tools, including a Societal Development Plan (SDP) to foster and accelerate the adoption of social innovations and responsible innovation principles that contribute to successful, more effective, and co-produced security solutions for public spaces (with special focus on massive events and crowded places), generating trust, acceptance, increasing security, security perception, and security behaviour. Tero leads the exploitation activities within the project and participates in the implementation of the Greek case studies.
Funded under the HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01-09 topic of Horizon Europe, the project Pro-Coast: A PROactive approach for COmmunities to enAble Societal Transformation develops knowledge and tools to understand the role of transformative change for biodiversity policy making, address the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss, and initiate, accelerate and upscale biodiversity-relevant transformative changes in our society. The project’s ultimate goal is to encourage and empower communities of citizens (especially local people) to maintain and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in their areas, and to involve them more actively in environmental governance. Tero participates in project management, dissemination, exploitation and research activities.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project ASSIST addresses the objective of “promoting equality and European values in and through sport” by adopting the use of traditional games in training tactics for an easier and more enjoyable engagement of children with the sport of basketball. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of Evnikos Sport Club.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project WalkingBus addresses the objective ‘Encouraging a healthy lifestyle for all’ with a specific focus on children by supporting walking adoption as a means of commuting to school and other after-school activities that can improve the physical condition of children. Tero is working on project evaluation and policy support.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project BIOWIND – Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning set forward an integrated wind planning approach addressing all dimensions of the “Climate-Biodiversity-Public opinion” nexus, to enhance social acceptance and secure sustainable wind energy expansion. Tero works on the exchange of practices to improve the social acceptance of wind energy in line with biodiversity conservation requirements, as a subcontractor of FAEN – the Asturian Energy Foundation.
Funded under the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme (PRIMA), the project “NatMED Nature-based Solutions on Existing Infrastructures for Resilient Water Management in the Mediterranean” aims at developing, implementing and validating a set of Full Water-Cycle Nature-based Solutions, integrated into existing grey or natural water infrastructures and based on specific phases of the water cycle, for optimizing the provision of Ecosystem Services, empowering stakeholders and local communities and leading to resilient water management in the Mediterranean Region. Tero leads the dissemination activities and the establishment of the Mediterranean Community of Practice within the project and participates in the implementation of the Greek case study.
Funded under the Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems theme of Horizon Europe, the project “Inno-mob Unlocking the potential of the Mobility Innovation Ecosystems and Networks” focuses on the opportunities that initiatives and networks offer to innovative and dynamic businesses through an inclusive mobility innovation European ecosystem business support framework. Tero participates in project management, dissemination and exploitation activities as subcontractor of OK!Thess.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project SafeCycle4Kids aims at Enhancing physical activity uptake for children through the provision of safe cycle interventions. Tero participates in project management, dissemination and exploitation activities as subcontractor of Physis Outdoor Training Services.
Funded under the Small-scale partnerships (ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP) call of the Erasmus+ programme, the project Bask@School is using basketball as a reference to identify different forms of relationship between sport clubs and schools and set guidelines to develop policies for clubs and school to promote together their own projects stimulating the participation of children and young people in sport. Tero participates in project management, dissemination and exploitation activities as subcontractor of Physis Outdoor Training Services.
Funded under the Action “Investment Plans for Innovation” of the Operational Program of Region of Central Macedonia 2014-2020, the project “Development and operation of technological applications for the promotion of cycling tourism in Region of Central Macedonia – GoBike” proposes the development and operation of a technological system of a web platform and an application (app) for smart devices that will provide information services on cycling paths in Olympus mountain and the peripheral Seih Sou forest in Thessaloniki, evaluated according to the level of difficulty and accompanied by relevant touristic information. Tero coordinates the project.
Funded under challenge “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” of the Horizon 2020 programme, the project ‘SCORE-Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities’ aims to reduce the impacts of sea-level rise and extreme events due to climate change on European coastal cities and settlements by means of co-designed, co-developed, deployed, tested and demonstrated innovative Ecosystem-Based Approaches (EBA), smart technologies and hybrid Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs), while facilitating financial sustainability. Tero is participating in research and dissemination activities, focusing on the design of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities, on socio-economic assessments and on the development of actionable policy recommendations.
Funded under the “Improving health information and better use of health data” topic of the Horizon 2020 programme, the project “SPHINX-A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry” will ensure the cyber protection of the health IT ecosystem for patient data privacy and integrity by developing a Universal Cyber Security Toolkit. Tero provides IT expertise in the development of the software and maintenance of the server, as a subcontractor of VILABS.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project «RECREATE-REinforce Competitiveness of REgionAl Transport SMEs» aims to improve the capacity and capability of regional transport SMEs to further develop and grow. This includes identification and development of support mechanisms for R&D, rapid development and implementation of products and services, access to finance schemes and internationalisation opportunities. RECREATE will ultimately deliver Action Plans and policy recommendations for evidence -based policy improvement. Tero carried out the “Mapping of the transport SMEcompetitiveness support and innovations schemes and policies in the South Aegean Region” and the collection and evaluation of Regions’ Good Practices, while it participated in networking activities, as a subcontractor of Lever S.A..
Funded under the programme Interreg Europe, the project Plasteco – Supporting EU regions to curb plastics waste and littering will support participating territories to take the steps necessary for a transition towards a “new plastics economy”. Tero develops an input paper on how to support regional businesses to invest on eco-innovation in plastic production and reuse, as a subcontractor of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional environment agency in France.
Funded under the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK) – Research, Create, Innovate, the GenOptics project aims to implement a new platform for integrating, analyzing and visualizing multi-omics and other clinic-biological data, by extending the functionality of established bioinformatics analysis tools through an interactive visual dashboard. Tero participates in research actions related to the recording, standardization, and integration of heterogeneous and multi-omics biodata.
Funded under the transnational cooperation programme Interreg – IPA CBC Greece-Albania, the project “RIVER 2 RIVER – Joint Actions and Networking for Sustainable Management, Environmental Monitoring and Protection of Surface Waters” aims to promote and ensure best practice restoration and management of rivers and their catchments under the EU WFD combining “Green Infrastructure” approach and water governance initiatives. Tero developed the project’s web applications (website, technical platform & multi-stakeholder forum, GIS Platform for Urban Streams), as well as a Gamification app for mobile phones, as a subcontractor of the Municipality of Metsovo.
Funded under the transnational cooperation programme Interreg – IPA CBC Greece-Albania, the project «INTERNET OF BINS – Joint Initiatives for Smart and Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management» aims to strengthening CBC between Greece and Albania within the context of sustainable waste management by creating a self-sustainable network of local and regional organisations. Tero developed the mobile and web applications regarding smart waste management, as a subcontractor of the Municipality of Metsovo.
Funded by the Demographic Change and Women’s Participation in Transport priority under Horizon 2020, the TINNGO project aims to create a framework for a sustainable game change in European transport through a transformative strategy of gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility. Tero participates in research and project management activities as a subcontractor of Lever SA.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the INVALIS project “Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species” aims to improve policies on biodiversity and environmental protection, by supporting policy measures for the prevention, early detection, control and eradication of invasive alien species in natural ecosystems. Tero is developing a comparative analysis of territorial policies on IAS management and on identifying good practices and case studies regarding IAS management, as a subcontractor of ICETA – Institute of Sciences, Technologies and Agro-environment of the University of Porto in Portugal.
Funded under the transnational cooperationi programme Interreg – IPA CBC, the project TRAP – Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation is developing a methodology and tools for assessing and improving air quality using health indexing in the transboundary area of Greece – North Macedonia. Tero participates in management and in scientific research activities, as a subcontractor ofr the Environment Centre of Kozani.
Funded under the Thematic Priority Smart Cities and Communities of Horizon 2020, the project STARDUST is developing a smart cities network that are implementing and validating technical green solutions and innovative non-technical solutions, enabling them to be bankable and replicable for other cities so that they all become smart, highly efficient, intelligent and citizen-oriented.Tero participates in management activities, as a subcontractor of the Municipality of Kozani.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project “DeCarb – Supporting the clean energy transition of coal intensive EU regions” brings together 9 partners from 9 countries to exchange experiences & transfer knowledge on how to transition from the carbon-intensive era towards the clean energy future, supporting regions to secure sustainable development, economic & societal stability, and a role in the 2030 energy mix. Tero is developing and implementing the methodology to assess the socio-economic impact of decarbonisation on the respective regions, as a subcontractor of the Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency in Bulgaria.
Funded under the Interreg Mediterranean programme, the INHERIT project aims to conserve and valorise natural heritage in Mediterranean coastal and maritime tourist destinations, alleviating the adverse effects of overcapacity tourism in these areas through the promotion of sustainable tourism. Tero is developing a methodology and guidelines for the integration of the INHERIT approach in Integrated Coastal Zone Management practices in MED areas, as a subcontractor of the Seneca Foundation – Science and Technology Agency for the Region of Murcia στην Ισπανία.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the “EXTRA-SME’s” project aims to improve policies in order to boost SME competitiveness and extraversion in EU coastal and rural areas where aquaculture is a driver of the regional economy. Tero is developing a research methodology to map factors constraining SMEs internationalisation, as a subcontractor of the National Regions Development Agency in Lithuania.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project INNOTRANS will map regional transport innovation capacity and identify the competitive advantage of 5 European regions. It will further develop guidelines for policy interventions and appropriate regional Action Plans. Tero is working on all aspects of the project as a subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Funded under the Mobility for Growth thematic area of Horizon 2020, the project SUITS aims to share best practice and develop a range of materials to enable, in particular, small and medium-sized cities to increase capacity to finance and implement sustainable transport measures or Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Tero is participating in research and project management activities as a subcontractor of Lever SA.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project Skills+ aims at advancing public policies promoting information and communication technologies (ICT) skills among SMEs in rural areas helping them seize fully the opportunities offered by a digital single market and benefits of a digital economy. Tero is supporting the project’s communication activities and the development of a regional action plan, as a subcontractor of the University of Western Macedonia.
Funded under the Beyond Plastic Med initiative (BeMed), and jointly sponsored by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Tara Expeditions Foundation, Surfrider Foundation Europe and the Mava Foundation, the project Networking against plastic pollution aims at tightly integrating actions against plastic pollution into everyday life, by targeting families as potential actors capable of making the difference in maintaining clean Mediterranean beaches.
Funded under the programme Interreg Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020, the project CULTURAL DIPOLE – Creation of a Cultural Dipole in the cross-border area, aims at creating two new museums in Serres and in Petrich. The museums will act as a platform for the development of two abandoned army camps into Cultural Parks of international interest, housing cultural heritage treasures of the two areas. Tero participates in promotion and dissemination activities as subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Funded under the Mobility for Growth theme of Horizon 2020, the project CIPTEC aims at increasing the share of public transport in European cities, by utilising innovative ideas through a wider than usual stakeholder platform, and particularly by exploiting the passengers own intelligence. Tero participates in research, management and dissemination activities, buidling and promoting a collective intelligence platform for European passengers.
Funded under the Interreg MED programme, the project Castwater studies coastal areas sustainable tourism water management in the Mediterranean. Tero participates in the identification of good water management practices by SMEs, as a subcontractor of the innovation centre Las Naves in Valencia.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project Innogrow studies regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs, and offers regional support to engage such SMEs in innovation. Tero participates in the studying of new disruptive technologies’ impact on rural economy SMEs, as a subcontractor of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project Symbi promotes industrial symbiosis for regional sustainable growth and a resource efficient circular economy. Tero supports the implementation of the project as a subcontractor of the Malopolska region.
Funded under the Transport theme of the 7th Framework Programme, the project METPEX develops a measurement tool to determine the quality of the passenger experience across transport modes and conditions. Tero participates in research and dissemination activities.
Funded under the Cooperation programme of the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, the project AI4B aims at the elimination of existing weaknesses in biomass production supply systems, as well as in the development of financially and environmentally sustainable practices of symbiotic supply systems for biomass, with the use of advanced ICT tools. Tero participates in requirements definition and software development actions.
Funded under the ENPI CBCMED programme, the project MED-DIET aims to raise the awareness of consumers about the importance of the Mediterranean Diet, as an integral part of the Mediterranean lifestyle, and as a vehicle for development, stability and solidarity in the Mediterranean basin. Tero has developed the Quality Management Plan of the project, as a subcontractor of Plano2 PC.
Funded under the ICT for water resources management topic of the 7th Framework Programme, the project ISS-EWATUS develops an Integrated Support System for Efficient Water Usage and Resources Management. Tero has an advisory role in relation to the project’s social-media platform and the validation and evaluation process, as a subcontractor of Dotsoft SA.
Funded under the ICT 4 Growth programme, the project Early Warning Of Extreme Weather Events And Rural Protection aims at providing warning of upcoming extreme weather phenomena (frost, hail, rain) to farmers in a targeted risk areas in Northern Greece. Tero is supporting the development of the project’s decision support system, as a subcontractor of Dotsoft SA.
Funded under the Interreg IVC programme, the project ERCIP aims at developing River Corridor Improvement Plans for five European rivers in European territories, with the cooperation of regional actors. Tero participates in the development of the Greek improvement plan and in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Municipality of Servia-Velvendo and the Region of Western Macedonia.
Funded under the European Transnational Cooperation programme Greece – Bulgaria, the project PromoSafeDriving aims to promote Road-Safety & Safe-Driving public awareness in both Greece and Bulgaria & the cross-border area. Tero participates in dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the University of Thessaly.
Funded under the Interreg IVC programme, the project CycleCities aims to carry out transfers of experiences and exchanges of good practice among European cities as well as to build up a knowledge capital regarding the integration of cycling into urban mobility management schemes. Tero participates in project management, as a subcontractor of the Business Support Centre of Kranj in Slovenia.
Funded under Greece The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA Cross Border Programme 2007 – 2013, the project “Use of new technologies to improve childrens’ health in the cross-border area” aims at reducing the problems caused by obesity and cardio-vascular diseases, starting from childhood. Tero participates in dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Lab of Medical Informatics of the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Funded under the Life Long Learning Programme, the project Web2LLP aims at improving web strategies and maximizing social media presence of LLP projects. Tero participates in the evaluation of the project results, as a subcontractor of the University of Luxembourg.
Funded under the Information and Communication Technologies – ICTtheme of the 7th Framework Programme, the project BlogForever develops robust digital preservation, management and dissemination facilities for weblogs. These facilities will be able to capture the dynamic and continuously evolving nature of weblogs, their network and social structure, and the exchange of concepts and ideas that they foster; pieces of information omitted by current Web Archiving methods and solutions. Tero participates in research, project management and dissemination activities.
Funded under the transnational cooperation Programme MED, the project WATERLOSS develops a methodology for control of non-revenue water in water supply systems. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage in Kozani.
Funded under the Interreg IVC programme, the project OSEPA aims at assessing the conditions and facilitating the use of Open Source software by European Public Administrations. Tero participates in the collection of information and in the development of a good practice guide in relation to the use of open source software by local and regional European public administrations, as a subcontractor of Research Academic Computer Technology Institute.
Funded under the transnational cooperation Programme MED, the project MEID aims at enhancing capacities and decision tools of Public Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into the Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Funded under the eContentplus programme, the Best Practice Network mEducator aims to implement and critically evaluate existing standards and reference models in the field of e-learning in order to enable specialized state-of-the-art medical educational content to be discovered, retrieved, shared and re-used across European higher academic institutions. Tero participates in dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Funded under the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, the project EU Water aims at an integrated water resource management in agriculture based on the optimization of water consumption and on the cutback of groundwater pollution. Tero participates in information gathering, IT tools development and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Region of Western Macedonia.
Funded under the transnational cooperation Programme MED, the project MED-IPPC-NET identifies key aspects in the implementation of the IPPC Directive – Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (96/61/EC) within the Mediterranean area, and establishes a set of common criteria to enhance its implementation. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities, as a subcontractor of the Environment Centre of Kozani.
Funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, the project Long Lasting Memories develops an integrated ICT platform combining state-of-the-art mental exercises to combat cognitive deterioration. Tero participates in project management, dissemination and commercial exploitation activities.
Funded under the Environment theme of the 7th Framework Programme, the project TESS (Transactional Environmental Support System) assists policy makers to integrate knowledge from different spatial levels into the decision making process while also encouraging local people to maintain and restore biodiversity ecosystem services. Tero participates in research, project management and dissemination activities.
Funded under the eContentplus programme, the project EDLocal will make local and regional digital content accessible through the European Digital Library. Tero participates as a subcontractor of the Veria Central Public Library, with the task of developing the library’s digital repository and securing the successfull metadata harvesting by Europeana.
Funded under the Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo Da Vinci, the project WATER: The driving force of all nature / water supply and distribution develops European partnerships for the vocational training of engineers and water technicians. Tero participates in networking and exploitation activities.
Funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, the project RuralE.Evolution is exploring the potential of Public-Private Partnerships for the development of Agro-energy Districts. Tero is working on a study of Agro-energy district models and on dissemination activities.
Funded under the trans-national program INTERREG IIIC, the project SMART(Sustainable Management and Actions to Promote Regional Transition) is a Regional Framework Operation between four regions in Spain, Poland, Germany and Greece that are eager to develop new instruments for regional development in the light of economic transition processes and its impact on social cohesion and the environment using the available Objective-1/2 programmes of the European Cohesion Policy. Tero is working on the evaluation of SMART and on developing a strategic plan for the continuation of the achieved interregional cooperation.
Funded under the Leonardo Da Vinci programme, the project PRO-WAT is designing and developing educational material for the implementation of a “non-revenue” water reduction strategy in order to improve the performance of water supply and distribution systems. Tero participates in valorisation and dissemination activities.
Funded under the PAVET-NE programme of the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology, Tero develops a collaborative platform for content generation, distribution and exploitation on the internet, in cooperation with the Data Engineering Laboratory of the School of Informatics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. More information can be found here.
Funded under the trans-national program INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED, the project “Development and utilization of vulnerability maps for the monitoring and management of groundwater resources in the Archimed area” (WATER-MAP) is carried out in regions of Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Malta with the additional participation of non-EU partners. The objective is to produce GIS-based groundwater vulnerability maps that will support the spatial development planning process of the Southeast Mediterranean basin and will promote the sustainable development of the area. Tero participates in project management and dissemination activities
Funded under the European Commission’s eTEN program, the project “GEOgraphical Community Operation for MaP-Based Advanced Services for SMEs” (GEOCOMPASS) is developing a GIS map-based geo-navigational internet service focusing on the mountain and countryside tourism. Tero develops the business plan for the service, as a subcontractor of SALFO SA.
Funded under the Citizens and Governance thematic area of the 6th Framework Programme, the project Governance and Ecosystems Management for the Conservation of Biodiversity (GEM-CON-BIO)explores the interactions between governance modes and sustainable development objectives in view of identifying what governance processes and institutions can best contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. Tero participates in research, project management and dissemination activities.
Funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Reseach and Technology as a member of the Innovation Pole of Central Macedonia, Tero is developing an online service for locally targeting advertising.
Funded under the Interreg CADSES programme, the project Tecnoman Perspectives is a transnational network project aiming to elaborate demand-oriented business location policies in the Central, Adriatic, Danubian and Southeastern European Space (CADSES). Tero participated as a subcontractor and develped the synthesis report of the studies for the fields of transport, tourism, spatial development, and information and communication technologies in the areas of Thessaloniki, Pieria and Chalkidiki in North Greece.
Funded under the LSH thematic area of the 6th Framework Programme, the project LSH-ACC-Mentor enables a wider participation in the LSH Program of the Candidate Countries and New Member States. Tero participated in multiplier training seminars in Prague, Sofia, Bucharest and Istanbul, as a subcontractor of Euroconsultants S.A.
Funded under the PAVET NE 2004 programme of the Greek General Secretariat for Resarch and Technology, Tero developed a prototype system for targeted and socially responsible advertising on the internet, in co-operation with the Data Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Informatics of the Artistotle University of Thessaloniki. Further information can be found here.
Funded under the IST thematic area of the 6th Framework Programme, the project MENTOR+ enables a wider participation in the IST Program of the Candidate Countries and New Member States, by developing a networked group of proficient IST multipliers, whose task will be to enhance building awareness of the IST Program and to assist potential proposers in submitting high quality proposals.
Tero participated in multiplier training seminars in Ankara and Istanbul, as a subcontractor of Euroconsultants S.A., in co-operation with TUBITAK.
Funded under the IST thematic area of the 6th Framework Programme, the project TRISTAN EAST enables a wider participation of 12 Newly Independent States (NIS) organisations in the 6FP IST programme. This is achieved by identifying and mentoring IST multipliers within these 12 NIS, in order to build up awareness of IST and to strengthen the infrastructure supporting IST assimilation in industrial, commercial, public service and cultural entities there.
Tero participated in multiplier training seminars in Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Skopje, as a subcontractor of Euroconsultants S.A., in co-operation with YU INFO and local partners.
Funded under the eContent programme, the project GEORAMA developed a web based geo-navigational portal to provide all necessary information and services to the mountain & countryside tourism community, such as detailed maps and paths, search engines, guides, and updated information on local conditions.
Tero participated in the design and initial implementation of the project, in association with Flash Multimedia S.A., Sportnews S.A. and Digitalis Consult.
Funded under the IST thematic area of the 5th Framework Programme, the project OPUS developed an Optimal Public Procurement Service in the Healthcare Marketplace.
Tero participated in a study of public procurement systems around the world, in association with the London School of Economics Health and Social Care Centre and Digitalis Consult.
Funded under the PRAXE programme, the project WATERMAN concerns the market research and establishment of a company, offering environmental consulting and water resource management services. The company is a spin-off of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and its establishment is being funded by the General Secretariat for Resarch and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Development.
Tero conducted the market research and prepared the business plan of the company. Tero also organised and participated in events to present the company to potential clients and investors.
Also funded under the PRAXE programme, Tero conducted the market research and prepared the business plans for two spin-offs of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the fields of Data Mining and speech recognition technologies in telephony products focused on deaf and hard-of-hearing people.